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parental allowances

Munich children

The TurBienchen is funded by the Munich funding formula of the City of Munich and by state and municipal funding under the Bavarian Child Education and Care Act (BayKiBiG). 

care fee

Children who live in Munich are supported via the Munich funding formula. The following monthly childcare fees apply:

Bcare time< 3 years> 3 years
4-5 hrs78 €48 €*
5-6 hrs94 €58 €*
6-7 hrs111 €69 €*
7-8 hrs128 €79 €*
8-9 hrs145 €90 €*
>9 hrs162 €100€*

* Due to the kindergarten contribution subsidy from the Free State of Bavaria, the childcare allowance may be reduced to €0 for over 3-year-olds. Children who are three years old during a calendar year receive the state subsidy monthly from September of the respective year. This will be charged directly.

Further reductions in the childcare fee are possible via the siblings' child reduction and, depending on the parents' income, via the Munich funding formula. 

Link: Munich funding formula – parental allowances

play money

The city of Munich pays a play money of 10€ per child and month via the equalization procedure of the Munich funding formula.

meal allowance

The meal allowance is €60 per child per month from the age of 13 months. For a booking time of up to 7 hours, the catering costs are reduced to €45. 

Outskirts Children

care fee

For children who live outside the city of Munich (so-called. Surroundings/guest children) the following monthly childcare fees apply:

care time< 3 years> 3 years*
4-5 hrs223 €106 €
5-6 hrs268 €131 €
6-7 hrs312 €156 €
7-8 hrs352 €181 €
8-9 hrs378 €206 €
>9 hrs401 €231 €
  • * Due to the kindergarten contribution subsidy from the Free State of Bavaria, the childcare allowance may be reduced to €0 for over 3-year-olds. Children who are three years old during a calendar year receive the state subsidy monthly from September of the respective year. This will be charged directly

play money

Play money of €10 per child per month is charged.

meal allowance

The meal allowance is €60 per child per month from the age of 13 months. For a booking time of up to 7 hours, the meal allowance is reduced to €45. 
