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FAQ Registration and Allocation

How can I register my child for a free place?

To register for a childcare place at TurBienchen eV, you must register via the Kita-Finder and submit the current registration form necessary.

I registered via the Kita-Finder. Do I also have to fill out the registration form?

Yes, the registration form must be sent in to allocate a place. Registration in the Kita Finder is necessary in any case.

Can I register in advance for the year after next?

No. The waitlist is reset at the beginning of each new registration cycle.

By when do I have to register my child for a free place?

Registrations for the new care year (usually from September 1st) can only be considered up to the applicable deadline for the state capital of Munich in the same year. This is usually between March 10th and 15th.

When will the free places be allocated?

The allocation of places begins in March at the earliest and is usually completed by mid-June of a calendar year. Please understand that we cannot provide individual information about the status of the allocation of places.

According to which criteria are the places allocated?

The free places will be allocated according to the Rules of Procedure (Section 3.2). A distinction is made between regular places and MTU places. For regular places, special consideration is given to single parents, parents with MTU benefits and siblings.

Can I get a free place during the year?

Yes, it is possible to allocate places during the year, provided that there are free places. At the beginning of a daycare year, all places are always filled. Places are not kept free.

Do I have to be an MTU employee to register for a place?


What fees do I have to pay for a daycare or kindergarten place?

The articles can be found in the Rules of Procedure explained in detail.

How can I get to know the TurBienchen better?

At the beginning of the calendar year there is an information evening for all parents who have properly registered their child using the registration form. Please mark this accordingly on the registration form. There is no possibility of simply visiting Turbienchen.
